Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Andrographis paniculata(Kalmegh)

Common Name: Kalmegh.
Plant name: Andrographis paniculata.
 Chemical constituents: Kalmegh (andrographis) contains bitter principles andrographolide, a bicyclic diterpenoid lactone and Kalmeghin.
Uses: useful in hyperdispsia, buring sensation, wounds, ulcers, malarial and intermittent fevers, inflammations, cough, bronchitis, skin diseases, leprosy, colic , diarrhoea, dysentery, haemorrhoids etc.
Kalmegh is a blood purifier, so used to cure torbid liver, jaundice, dyspepsia and anthelmintic.
Its   acts to dispel heat and remove toxins.
 The plant acts as anti-typhoid against Salmonella typhae and antifungal against Helminthosporium sativum.
 Used in case of diseases like flu, sinusites, cough and, upper respiratory tract infection

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