Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Convolvulus pluricaulis(Shankhpushpi)

Common name:Shankhpushpi
Botanical Name: Convolvulus pluricaulis
Chemical Conbstituents:
Presence of glycosides, coumarins, flavonoids and alkaloids.
Shankha pushpine, (the alkaloid) has been identified as active principle. B.
Octacosanol tetracosane along with glucose, sucrose also have been isolated from the plant drugs, Coumarins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids

1.        Laxative,
2.        Aphrodisiac,
3.        Nervine tonic,
4.        Rejuvenator,
5.        Health promoting,
6.        Complexion promoter
7.        Insomonia & Delirium,
8.        Reduce mental tension.
9.        appetite stimulant and carminative for digestive system.
10.      It has cardio-protective, heart strengthener and controls hypertension.
11.      stimulate hair growth,
12.      Relieves sleeplessness, epilepsy, hallucinations and anxiety.
13.      enhance the memory power,
14.      Chronic cough & Asthma,Haematemesis,
15.      Pyuria,Dysuria & Seminal dibility.,
16.      use in mental stimulation,rejuvenation therapy,anti-ulcer effects
17.      improving symptoms of hyperthyroidism by reducing the activity of a liver enzyme
18.      used as a brain tonic,dysentery,
19.      used as a psychostimulant and tranquilizer,insomnia, fatigue, low energy level.

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