Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nardostachys jatamansi(Jatamansi)

Common Name: Jatamansi , Sambul Lateeb , Balchar, Indian Spikenard.

Plant name: Nardostachys jatamansi

Chemical constituents: It contains volatile essential oil, sugar, starch, gum, ketone, bitter extractive matter, jatamansic acid, jatamansone,  jatamansone semicarbazone, lupeol, malliene, calarene, terpenic coumarin - jatamansin, oroselol, dietheniod bicyclic ketone – nardostachone, sesquiterpene ketone - jatamansone.      
Jatamamsi is useful for urine-related problems and maintaining the circulatory system.
It is one of the best herbs for treating epilepsy.
It also imparts fair complexion to the skin and alleviates the pain and swelling.
Use as an adjunct in the treatment of sexual debility and impotence.
Jatamamsi is one of the  brin tonic, useful in enhancing the memory.
The medicated jatamamsi oil is extremely beneficial for smooth, silky and healthy hair.
The paste prepared in cold water is beneficial to reduce the burning sensation.
Internally, the herb is useful in various diseases. It  improves digestion.
It is cholegouge, hence useful in hepatitis and enlargement of the liver
The herb stops fermentation and gas in the stomach.
It reduces hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.
The herb increases appetite, relieves the phlegm in cough and asthma, proves useful in hepatitis and treats enlargement of the liver.
The powder also helps in treating mental retardation and mental disorders, regularizing digestion in the body, regularizing respiratory tract and suppressing general body weakness.
Since it is fragrant, jatamamsi powder is used as a deodorant in case of excessive sweating.
Jatamamsi effectively relieves the symptoms like vertigo, seizures etc.
It improves the quantity of urine, it is salutary in urinary problems like dysuria and inflammation of urinary bladder.

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