Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Nerium Indicum(Indian Oleander)

Common Name: Indian Oleander, Exile Tree
Plant nameCommon Name: Indian Oleander, Exile Tree
Plant name: Nerium Indicum
Chemical constituents:The bark contains scopoletin, scopolin, tannins, red coloring matter, a aromatic oil, wax and flobefin and a yellow colored stable oil. The roots contain bitter glycosides, fenolinic acid and a aromatic oil.Its roots contain glycosided, neriodorin, neriodorein, and karabin. It contains neriodin, nerium D, rutin and anhydro-oleandrin.
Roots are astringent, anthelmintic, aphrodisiac, stomachic, febrifuge.
Also have diuretic, emetic, expectorant, cardiotonic and anticancer.
 Useful in cardiac asthma,  joint pains, leprosy and ulcers.
Leaves are powerful repellent and in treatment of scabies and to reduce swellings.

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