Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oroxylum indicum(Indian Trumpet Tree)

Common Name: Indian Trumpet Tree, manduka-parnam
Plant name: Oroxylum indicum
Chemical constituents: flavone-coloring matters, oroxylin-A, baicalein and chrysin and also traces of an alkaloid, tannic acid, sitosterol and galactose

The roots are sweet, astringent, bitter, acrid, refrigerant, expectorant and carminative.
 They are useful for vata and kapha, dropsy, flatulence, colic, diarrhea and dysentery.
Stem bark paste is applied for the cure of scabies and to treat arthritis.
Leaf decoction is given in treating stomachache, ulcers, rheumatism pain and enlarged spleen
The root bark is tonic and astringent and useful in diarrhea and dysentery.

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